Wednesday, March 25, 2020

English Tutor Android

English Tutor AndroidIf you are looking for an English tutor Android, there are many options to choose from. The market is full of choices, so it becomes difficult to select one that best suits your needs. For this purpose, you can get free online guidance on English and learn it on the Internet.English is the language that is used to learn about the world. The English language is one of the two official languages of the United States of America. It is used in international business as well as in daily conversation. Though there are some speakers who only speak English, but most of the language uses this language for most things. The students who are searching for a tutor need to be fluent in English.To become a good English teacher, the students need to be aware of basic grammar. Even though there are some classes in which the students learn grammar, but majority of the students learn it by themselves, in various ways. Students who are looking for a tutor for English can use the int ernet to look for them. There are many English tutors available through the internet and people like to search and find one according to their requirement.Some English teachers are free but some charge money. It is important to compare the rate that the tutor charges. Some charge very low rates because they want to attract students. Some charge high rates because they are not experienced enough. In case you are not comfortable with a particular tutor, you can ask them to lower their rates. If you are willing to pay the rate, then you need to check the portfolio of the tutor.The cost of an Android tutor varies depending on the experience of the teacher. There are some experienced teachers who can give you lectures for free. These teachers can help you in improving your English writing skills and help you in writing articles. There are other teachers who charge fees for the services they provide. They have more experience and they are very adept in English. These teachers are easy to contact and teach you different topics in a structured manner.There are also Android tutors that help you in improving your grammar. You need to spend some time and research on the most popular and most famous teachers of English. Google the name of the teacher and you will come across lots of resources where you can improve your English writing. You can also search for free resources of learning English on the internet. There are many websites that offer free online lessons on English to help you improve your English writing skills.An English tutor Android is a great help for students who are looking for an assistant to assist them in their studies. If you have problems or questions, then you can always contact the online English tutors. You can ask questions or make queries over chat. You can read their comments, feedbacks, testimonials and choose the right one that can help you improve your English writing skills.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Professores da LOI English Anne Fields

Professores da LOI English Anne Fields Aprender Inglês pode abrir muitas portas ao nível profissional. É por isso que, cada vez mais, há um investimento para que se aprenda o idioma desde criança, já que quanto mais novos somos, mais facilmente conseguimos ultrapassar dificuldades com o sotaque, por exemplo. Vários professores da LOI English já trabalharam com crianças, como é o caso de Anne Fields, que acredita que o melhor é começar a aprender idiomas o mais cedo possível.Anne vive atualmente em Bogotá, na Colômbia, de onde dá aulas para pessoas de todo o mundo, mas ela é natural dos Estados Unidos e já viveu na Argentina, República Dominicana e Haiti. Segundo ela, grande parte dos seus alunos são brasileiros, do estado de São Paulo, e buscam melhorar o seu Inglês por questões profissionais ou por quererem estar preparados para fazer viagens para o exterior. Além de alunos brasileiros, Anne também tem alunos da Rússia, Espanha, Japão e Estados Unidos. Achei caricato quando ela disse que dava a ulas de Inglês para pessoas que vivem nos Estados Unidos, mas, de acordo com a professora, os seus alunos de lá são estrangeiros que pretendem melhorar o domínio da língua e querem fazê-lo em um ambiente seguro, onde ninguém esteja julgando os seus erros.Tendo estudado Francês e Espanhol, Anne entende perfeitamente as dificuldades de quem pretende aprender outro idioma e reconhece que uma das coisas mais importantes para um aluno é ter um professor que tenha paciência com ele. Pela sua experiência, a professora acredita que, mesmo ela sabendo falar em outras línguas, as aulas devem ser dadas apenas em Inglês. A não ser que seja um caso específico, de um aluno iniciante, que não compreenda nada em Inglês e, mesmo assim, Anne prefere recorrer ao uso de imagens, sinônimos, diferentes construções frásicas, gestos e analogias, de maneira a desafiar os alunos a pararem de traduzir os seus pensamentos e começarem a pensar em Inglês.Para Anne, outra forma de incentiva r os seus alunos a pensar mais no que estão aprendendo é nunca corrigir os erros sem dar a explicação. Assim, além de dar a forma correta, a professora explica o raciocínio que está por trás daquele erro, dando ferramentas para que os alunos possam perceber os erros que cometem.A professora comentou que vários alunos perguntam quanto tempo demorará até que eles saibam Inglês. Como é óbvio, esta é uma pergunta difícil de responder, porque cada pessoa aprende e se dedica de formas diferentes. Por isso mesmo, Anne diz aos seus alunos que devem praticar bastante. Além disso, a professora acredita que quanto mais contato com o Inglês o aluno tiver, melhor é para o seu aprendizado. Assim, aconselha seus alunos a lerem notícias e ouvirem música em Inglês e vai mais longe, dizendo também que mudar o idioma do Facebook, do computador e do celular para Inglês são formas de fazer com que o idioma faça parte de suas vidas.Você aí, que está aprendendo Inglês, já ex perimentou fazer isso?

General Test-Preparation Strategies - Private Tutoring

General Test-Preparation Strategies BobbiM Apr 21, 2014 Getting ready for testing time? Cramming to study for finals? In general, you should: -Start early. Be sure that you have completed your assigned reading at least several days before the test. Remember that reading and studying are not the same thing. All of your reading should be completed before you begin studying. -Get organized. Organize all of your studying tools and strategies-notes, annotations, study strategies-so that you can dig right in. -Distribute your time. Rather than trying to cram all of your studying into 1 and 2 days, distribute your time over several days. Spending a total of 6 hours studying spread over 5 days is much more effective than trying to spend 6 hours studying the day before, or even 3 hours a day for 2 days before the test. -Break up the work. If you begin studying several days in advance, you will be able to break up the information you have to study into chunks of major concepts. In other words, dont sit down to study with the idea in mind that you will study every chapter and every page of notes. Study groups of information that seem to fit together, or at least identify which concepts you want to learn in a particular study session. This helps you stay more focused on the task at hand. -Stay healthy. Eat properly and get enough sleep. Try to remain in a studying routine rather than staying up all night cramming. Eat regular meals and exercise if that is part of your normal routine. As part of staying healthy, its also important to monitor your emotional health by evaluating your stress level. When you get too stressed out, it influences other aspects of your performance and becomes a vicious cycle. -Self-test. Its important to have a firm understanding of what you know and what you dont know. Remember that self-testing involves asking yourself questions about the material, saying the information to yourself or to someone else, and then checking to see whether you are correct. -Study with a classmate. Studying with another serious-minded student has great benefits regardless of what kind of test you will have. One of the most successful models for studying with another is for individuals to study in their own and then to get together to ask each other questions a day or two before the exam. Both parties can then find out which concepts they know very well and which ones they need to spend more time in. -Look at old exams. Talk to others who have previously taken the class. Finding out as much information about the test as possible, whether its from looking at old exams or by talking to others, is simply a smart thing to do. Its not cheating; its being an informed consumer, so to speak. If professors permit students to keep their exams, you can fairly certain that they will not be giving that same test again. But its probably also a safe bet that the kinds of questions asked will be similar. When talking with students who have already taken the class and the professor, its a good rule of thumb to find out specifics about the level of questions and grading. Many of these general tips are common sense. But they are tips that students often overlook as they get caught up in exam preparation. In the next section, we will focus more specifically on preparation for and taking objective exams. Excerpt from  College Success Strategies  by Sherrie L. Nist and Jodi Patrick Holschuh.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Common entrance exams - Verbal reasoning tests (3)

Common entrance exams - Verbal reasoning tests (3) The alphabet is given here to help you with the following questions. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Complete the second pair of letters in the same way as the first pair. Example: A B is to C D as M N is to (O P) 37. F G is to C B as V W is to ? 38. H J is to L N as K M is to ? 39. Y X is to S Q as J I is to ? 40. O K is to N L as U Q is to ? 41. B Z is to F D as A Y is to ? 42. D H is to L P as J N is to ? 43. X A is to W T as R U is to ? In the following questions, underline two words, one from each set, which will combine together to make one new word, spelt correctly. You cannot change the order of the letters and the word from the left-hand side always comes first. Example: (red, garden, green) (jumper, house, rose) greenhouse 44. (chap, tree, man) (orchard, rest, grove) ? 45. (thread, cotton, wool) (jumper, woolly, bare) ? 46. (sand, bar, chocolate) (witch, paper, crow) ? 47. (mug, pot, cup) (ant, rest, board) ? 48. (all, copy, can) (cell, right, day) ? 49. (up, out, in (call, voice, sent) ? 50. (wave, rest, sea) (down, arch, son) ? Write in the next number to continue the pattern in each series. Examples: 2, 4, 6, 8, (10) 5, 23, 10, 21, 15, (19) 51. 3, 6, 12, 24, ? 52. 7, 4, 14, 8, 21, 12, ? 53. 66, 1, 61, 2, 51, 4, ? 54. 58, 24, 52, 27, 45, 31, ? 55. 80, 73, 74, 67, 68, 61, 62, ? 56. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ? 57. 81, 64, 49, 36, ?

3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job Offer

3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job Offer Is The Salary Right For You? One of the most important things you must consider is the salary. Some jobs you take for the experience and not for the wage. Others you take for the wage rather than a love of the job itself. You have to decide (or at least figure out) where you are in your own life and why you are taking that job in the first place. Is this salary going to be enough to sustain you? Will it keep you in the green? Will you finally be able to move out of your parents home and live on your own, or whatever your housing goals are? Will you be able to make an adequate payment towards your student loans every month now? Or will you still be struggling to pay your bills despite working full time? Will working this job at the salary you were offered seem like it will be a struggle for you to even get by? Whatever your situation, you have to make sure that you can still afford to get by. Even if a job sounds amazing, be sure to know and consider the salary before accepting it. Is Your Commute Acceptable? Another important aspect to consider before accepting a job offer is how long or complicated your commute will be for you to get to your new place of work every day. Are the work offices in walking distance? In driving distance? In commuting distance? How long will it take you to get there every day? You cannot just consider the physical difference. You need to consider the times of day you would be traveling to and from work as well and factor in things like traffic at those times, as that will certainly affect how long it takes for you to get back and forth. Are you okay with a long commute? Or do you feel like your time is more valuable and could be better spent than in travel? Do you have to take public transportation to work? How long will it take you on the subway to get there? Or by bus? Or even by carpool? Do you have a car of your own to get you to work or some other more reliable form of transportation to take if you do not? Will you be able to be a reliable employee and get to work on time, if at all? Be sure that you can maintain your commute so that you can keep your job in good standing, rather than being fired for tardiness. How Will This Position Help Me Get Where I Want To Go? Finally, you have to consider what this job is going to do for you. Is it going to help you in the long run or only for the short run? How will this position help you get to where you want to go in the end? Maybe you need this position for a short term goal, like the fact that for whatever reason, you need money, and this job is going to pay you. But eventually, you will have to look past that. Is this position in the right career field for whatever career you would like to eventually cultivate? Whatever your dream is, will this job help you get there? Will it help you achieve your goals? Will it help you achieve your dreams? Will it help you to be happy? After all, your happiness is what is most important of all. So do not accept something that is not going to help you get any closer to where you want to go! Be sure to contemplate all these questions in depth. And whatever decision you come to, be sure and confident in it. And be excited! After all, you are starting down a new path, and wherever it leads you, it is sure to be an adventure!

The Gamers Complete Walkthrough to Learning Languages with Video Games

The Gamers Complete Walkthrough to Learning Languages with Video Games How to Learn Any Language by Playing Video Games Video games provide constant electronic stimulation  on a level that mankind has never seen before.Immersing yourself in an action-packed, digital world has been shown  to boost brain power  and  memory strength, increase connectivity between regions of your brain and improve mental dexterity, hand-eye coordination and problem solving power.They can even be highly cathartic and therapeutic.  Had a difficult day at work?  Stressed out after trying to master a complex  grammatical structure in a foreign language? Go blow up some bad guys!Meanwhile, some people will have you believe that video games make you dumb, lazy, desensitized or, at worst, a serial killer.We can probably chalk that up to people being afraid of change.Video games are the most modern way to explore, learn, connect, converse and unwind.Even my mom is rocking the virtual battlefield by leading a Call of Duty clan. (Mom, if youre reading, youre the coolest.)So, its only natural that video games are starting to gain a reputation for being powerful learning tools, and of course, this can be applied to language learning.You no longer have to limit yourself to interactive tools made specifically for language learners, eitherâ€"you can play anything from Call of Duty: Ghosts to Left 4 Dead 2 and The Sims 4, as well show you later on.First, lets explore the  why  and  how of  learning languages with video games. Then well jump into the popular game titles available in foreign languages! Why Learning by Playing Is Super EffectivePositive associations.  Lets play a little word association game.  When I say language learning, what pops into your brain? If your answer is textbooks, flashcards, vocabulary lists, quizzes, exams or all-nighters, then, for the love of God, shake things up. Videos games are for you.  If your study methods feel stale (or if you simply cant motivate yourself to get started), then you need to create more positive associations with language learning in your brain.In-context lear ning.  Youll learn vocabulary and grammar while youre embroiled in the action. Youll be immersed in your virtual world, interacting with virtual people, traveling to virtual places and earning virtual money. Listening, reading and understanding the language of the virtual world (read: your target language, after you get around to switching your games language settings) will be rewarded with points, digital bucks or progress in your games storyline. This is how immersion works when youre studying abroad: You learn by doing, you get immediate feedback and  you need to keep guessing, trying and thinking creatively if you dont quite understand something.Repetition.  Even in games with complex stories or ones that give you tons of freedom to choose your fate, youll still hear the same words over and over as you play. Thats because every game has some core themes, key characters, big events and repeated actions that will keep popping up as you go. This will help to strongly solidify a goo d chunk of vocabulary. The more familiar with the game you are, the more familiar youll become with the language used.Youll never put off study time.  When study time is game time, will you really dread it or procrastinate it?Learn or die! If you dont follow whats happening, youll die. Plain and simple. Do you really want to lose another life?You can make real-world friends.  Many games offer you the ability to connect with people online while youre playing. Others will just give you a common interest to talk about with friends or Internet strangers on forums and websites.Games are easily accessible.  Even if you dont have an Xbox at home, many games are easily accessible through Steam and app stores.Let the kids have some fun! Kids adore games, obviously, so this is a great way to go if youre raising bilingual kids or if youre learning together with your whole family.How to Learn Any Language by Playing Video GamesLevel 1: Game-ify Study TimeStart with games made for children.If yo ure skeptical about playing childrens games, know that youre in good company. I was too. But then I tapped into my inner 90s kid and remembered all the amazing click-like-a-madman flash games I was addicted to on the Nickelodeon website and elsewhere. I remembered the  immense pleasure of playing Spanish Nickelodeon games with my younger brother-in-law and cousins-in-law.Thats where the idea began. Then, after clicking around a little bit, I become completely convinced. For example, Id readily dare any Spanish learner to play the Ninja Turtles Las Tortugas en la pizzeria  (The Turtles in the pizzeria) game without smilingâ€"and without picking up at least one new vocabulary word.Youre bound to learn something from these options because games for early childhood education, and even a bit beyond, are always designed to teach language fundamentals on some level.They dont have to be targeting vocabulary and grammar specificallyâ€"given the age group theyre appealing to (think ages 3-10) , any game developers worth their salt will make sure the gameplay is friendly to young players who are still absorbing the basics of their native language. For example, Japanese childrens games rely more heavily on hiragana and omit more advanced kanji, which is great for learners who are still trying to get into the flow of reading.Check out the websites  below for some great resources in different languages:PBS Kids: Spanish GamesJuegos Nickelodeon  (Spanish Nickelodeon Games)Spiele Nick (German Nickelodeon Games)Nick Jr. FranceNick Japan GamesThe games found on these sites are all of the same varietyâ€"kids games based on favorite cartoon  characters and episodes. Having played a couple to test them out, Id say that many (or perhaps most) are designed to include some more subtly mature elements to entertain parents and older siblings who have to play along with the little ones.Play games made for adult learners.This is the next step up. We havent yet arrived at games for adult n ative speakers, but weve found a comfortable middle ground to get you started.The games here can take the place of your dull study materials that are overdue for retirement.People love to learn in fun ways. And people love to learn using technology. Those are two truths of the modern age. So, what better way to combine the two than gamifying language learning? They might be fun, but theyre made to get serious results. Here are the best of the best games out there for learning a language: Influent  â€"  This fantasy adventure game puts your new language in context. You wander around the virtual world in a free-play mode, clicking on whatever piques your interest to learn new vocabulary words. It offers  tons  of interactive elements to play with, and you can challenge yourself by trying to unlock a few secret play modes.FluentU  â€"  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lesso ns.FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news, inspiring talks and more.With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contextsâ€"the way that native speakers actually use them. Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU videos on offer:FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre studying.The program even keeps track of what you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes store  or  Google Play store.Duolingo  â€" This little app is ideal if youre just starting out. It will help you get acquainted with all the vocabulary youll need while advancing your studies. The whole system is totally gamified, offering you special points (Lingots) for achieving high scores and making you eager to unlock new levels and bonus rounds. You can also connect with your friends, which is a great way to stay competitive and accountable.LyricsTraining  â€" Love music videos? This site turns them into a fill-in-the-blank game! As you watch the videos, youre challenged to fill in the missing vocabulary along the way. If you cant come up with t he word, the video pauses and waits for you to figure it out. Try to keep up with the rhythm!Slime Forest Adventure RPG  â€"  This role playing adventure game is a great option for Japanese learners.My Chinese Coach â€" This Nintendo DS game is also available in Japanese, French, Spanish and English. The Spanish and French  versions are currently available on iOS, while the others are still in development. A couple versions can be found for Wii U. The English version works for learners and natives who want to expand their vocabulary. If youve got a DS, you really cant beat the portability of this option!Level 2: Remember, Theres an App for ThatThe game apps well discuss here are ones that native speakers of the language twiddle with on their phones instead of spending time with their loved ones, not apps designed for learners. You already know what that means: Youll be thrown in the deep end.App games are great because anyone with a smartphone can download  them instantly. Sometimes youve got to pay a little, or you have to pay to unlock certain game features, but the ease of access and portability arguably make up for that.I will admit that its hard to track high quality ones down if youre not actively living (and paying for a phone plan) in a country that speaks your target language. If youre having trouble finding ones that work for learning and are actually fun, be sure to search your app store for any app that says the name of your target language  in the target language.  For example,  español or  ???.Some apps seem to be in another language, but then download to your phone in English (or whatever  language is  used in  your current location) instead. Frustrating! Just keep digging, and something is likely to turn up. Here are a few options for American learners (cant guarantee youll find them elsewhere):Sopa de Letras: Español  â€" A classic, granny-style alphabet soup game where you search for words. Searching in another language is great for exercis ing your brains recognition of that language. To find similar games in any language, try searching for alphabet soup or word search. Doing this quickly in Japanese immediately brings up options, like this Japanese word search app. Give it a try in whatever language youre learning!Jeu de Mots en Français  â€" A fun French problem solving game thats something like a crossword puzzle.Maratón Clásico  â€" A great trivia game app from Mexico thats great to play with 2-4 friends on the same phone.Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? â€" Oh yeah, we all want to be millionaires. Thats why this TV franchiseâ€"and all its related games and merchandiseâ€"have taken over the world. Simply search for the equivalent of the shows title in your target language. Thats how I uncovered  this Spanish version  and this French one.Quizduell  â€" This is a very popular trivia app straight from Germany.Level 3: Steamroll ThroughDo you have an Xbox, PlayStation or Wii? Any game is great in a foreign language, but they can be hard to come by. Usually, youll need to have bought your console and/or games in a  region that speaks your target language. Most games arent automatically available in multiple languages.The exception to this is Steam.Most games here are offered in a variety of languages, so  you can download the one that you want to learn! When you choose a game, be sure to check the Languages section before getting too excited. Here, youll see if the game supports your target language as subtitles only. Most commonly, youll be able to download a version of the game that offers subtitles and complete game interface in your target language. For many games, which dont have characters that speak a made-up language  or which dont involve any dialogue, this will be more than enough to work with.Even if the characters are all speaking English, having some Chinese subtitles and having to navigate maps and menus in Chinese will be a good boost for your learningâ€"especially if thats a game you were dying to play anyway.Here are the games that support full audio in other languages, and a list of their supported languages.Call of Duty: Black Ops IIIShoot. Kill. Dont die. Curse like a rabid teenager when you do die. Accuse everyone else of hacking, modding and cheating. All the necessary ingredients for an infuriatingly fun time. This is perhaps the epitome of the addictive video game model, and one that youve likely played if youre into video games at all.Full Audio: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, RussianSubtitles and Interface:  English,  Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish,  Russian, SpanishMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainSnaaaaaake!This installment of Metal Gear Solid allows you to play more freely than ever before. Sure, you can roam around and cross wide distances with vehicles in this game, but dont get to thinking that youre done sneaking around foreverâ€"youre not! Youll still need to get Snake safely from point A to point B without him being caught and killed.Full Audio: English, JapaneseSubtitles and Interface:  English, French,  German,  Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, RussianFallout 4This radioactive, mutant-infested, post-apocalyptic wasteland needs your help. But youll probably be too busy customizing your characters and building your own little settlement to bother with doing good deeds. Or perhaps youll decide to go on an explosive rampage instead. No matter which direction you choose, do it in your target language and explore this vast world while you learn.Full Audio:  English, French, Italian, German, SpanishSubtitles and Interface:  English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Traditional)Borderlands 2Explore mystical (and valuable) alien ruins on a faraway planet in another one of those shoot-em-up adventure games, complete with quests and little side missions you can opt to complete.Full Audio:  English, French, Italian, J apanese, German, SpanishSubtitles and Interface:  English, French, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Korean, Chinese (Traditional)The Lord of the Rings OnlineLove The Lord of the Rings? So do I. (My chihuahua  is named Frodo. True story.)Thats why its so fantastic that French and German learners have the opportunity to explore the beautiful regions  of Middle Earth, meeting familiar faces and strangers along the way. Youll learn some very unique language from your adventures in this sprawling online arena, and youll learn how to talk about your favorite trilogy in a foreign language.Full Audio:  English, French, GermanInterface:  English, French, GermanThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntThis might be one of the coolest, darkest and more artfully innovative video games out there these days. Play your way through a spellbound tale of prophecies, legends, elves, dwarves and wild monsters. Your choices really matter in this worldâ€"you cant just passively ride the rails of the predetermined stor yline as you can in most other gamesâ€"so youll need to pay close attention to the language being used so you know what to do at every new juncture.Full Audio: English, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, RussianSubtitles and Interface:  English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Czech, Hungarian, Korean, Chinese (Traditional)The Sims 3This game has no audio to speak ofâ€"the Sims themselves speak Simlish, obviouslyâ€"so youll just want to make sure you have the interface in your target language.  Then click your way around the various text options. If youre not familiar with The Sims, to play youll need to control virtual humans and help them navigate their way through day-to-day life. Every action is performed by clicking on a text command. That means youll see the words for  every single human activity, from mundane daily tasks to major life events and exciting escapades, in your target language.Prepare to learn how to live life in your new foreign language.Interface: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese (Traditional)Left 4 Dead 2Well, the zombies in this game speak the same language that they do in the English versionâ€"they just moan, groan, scream and splutterâ€"but by downloading a version in your target language, you can learn while hearing the intrepid apocalypse survivors hash out their game plans and scream for help.I havent listed the interface and subtitles languages, because this game is much better played with the full audio in your foreign language.Full Audio:  English, French, German, Russian, SpanishFableThis game has the power to capture your heart, I promise. Unless you decide to become an evil villain and inspire fear in the hearts of everyone around you. Your choices define whether your character becomes a beloved hero (a saint, really) or a vicious madman. So, pay close attention to whats going on at every step and make your choices accordingly. Your understanding of the language will determine your virtual fate.Full Audio: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, SpanishSubtitles and Interface:  English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, SpanishLevel 4: Meet GamersMany of the games listed above from Steam are multiplayer online. Be sure to get yourself a headset to plug into your computer so you can hear and speak clearly! Interact with other players, get to know them, make cooperative teams and become friends.Soon, you may find that you have a regular group of foreign gamer friends to play with!If you need help finding people to play with in the foreign language of your choice, then take to the Internet to find some. Here are some subreddits curated in foreign languages that are perfect for tracking down international gaming buddies:Spanish:  /r/videojuegoFrench:  /r/JeuxVideo  and  /r/GamingQuebecGerman:  /r/zockenItalian:  /r/videogiochi/Level 5: Twitch and Lets Play!Remember when your older sibling or annoying friend would hog the console  and play one-player games for hours? (Okay, Ill be honestâ€"I was the older sibling who hogged the controller.) Well, this is more fun than that. Not to mention,  it will help you learn lingo and meet people to play with.YouTube GamingYouve probably heard of the YouTube trend where users record themselves playing favorite video games, walking views through the games and reacting to whatever happens along the way. This trend has completely gotten out of hand, in the best possible way.Just this past summer, YouTube made its Gaming site, set up specifically for viewing and broadcasting  live streams, available to every country where YouTube is available. Plus, it made streaming live insanely easyâ€"anyone can set up a live stream account and get started broadcasting in a matter of seconds. Save your favorite games and channels, and pop back to see whats live whenever you feel like watching.But theres one catch for international viewers and language learners alike: For now, the interface is entirely in English. This will hopefully change as the site becomes more popular (which it inevitably will), but for now you can track down the recently recorded and live videos in your target language by simply  typing your target language in the search bar.  For example, Spanish learners will want to search for español.  That will just show whatevers most recent in Spanish.Looking for a specific game and specific language? Type the name of the game with the language. For example, Japanese learning GTA5 enthusiasts would search for ???GTA5. Star the channels and videos that look relevant, and youll be able to keep track of when they go live or upload new videos.Lets Play!You might see the phrase Lets Play! around the Net when searching for good video game videos. Lets Play! videos are any YouTube videos that shows video game walkthroughs . The idea is that viewers will learn how  to play in general, or they will learn the specifics of advancing through levels and completing games. These videos  compile series of screenshots or gameplay clips, and they provide audio commentaries that explain every step.These are awesome for listening practice, so its worth tracking down some in your foreign language.Spanish: RicharBetaCodeFrench:  JeanBaptisteShowGerman: BeamYouTube ChannelsAll Lets Play! channels are YouTube gaming channels, but all YouTube gaming channels are not Lets Play! channels. This is a slight but subtle difference. The more broad YouTube gaming-related channels can go far beyond the walkthrough format, where you see how to play through games.YouTube hosts on these channels might spend time talking about the mythology and lore of their favorite games, talking about themselves, making music videos, featuring hot gaming news and so on.This could give you new perspectives on gaming, favorite games and your targ et language.French  CyprienGaming  â€" This channel belongs to one of the most famous French YouTubers, and will provide you with a weird, humorous grab-bag of gaming-related videos in French.CodJordan23 â€" Despite the username, which suggests undying devotion to COD (Call of Duty), this YouTuber is mostly into showcasing NBA games.GermanYankeeunit91 â€" This YouTuber has an  infectious laugh, which ranges from belly laughing to a high-pitched cackle, so his videos are bound to make for some hilarious German lessons. Check out his coverage of Need for Speed, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto V (online and offline).Rocket Beans TV  â€" You never really know what to expect on this channel, as the YouTuber in charge is into an assortment of game titles. However, his videos make for fabulously diverse German lessons because hes constantly bringing his friends on for lengthy game-related chats.PietSmiet  â€" Here youll find videos of Minecraft gameplay and highlights from some oldies-bu t-goodies. The Mario Kart videos are crazy fun, as you might expect.SpanishelrubiusOMG  â€" Want to learn Castilian Spanish? This the gaming host for you. The Games in 1 Minute segments are great to watch for those new to the gaming scene. Youll also get to watch him run around trolling (frustrating and mocking) other gamers, which is always worth a laugh.JuegaGerman â€"  This Mexico YouTuber loves online and flash games, The Sims 4, Minecraft and The Walking Dead.Fernanfloo â€" Get a taste of the distinctive Argentinian accent on this channel!ChineseUnderstandably, most of our Chinese gamer friends arent on YouTube. There are, however, a few popular Taiwanese gamers that you can watch online.MrChesterccj â€" This one covers Grand Theft Auto 5, Minecraft, Halo 5 and other Xbox One games. Youll even be able to watch Little Big Planet 3, which is adorable, and various RPGs.RSPannie72127  â€"This YouTuber is very animated, and gives great reaction sounds that you could use in your own Chinese. She mostly does Minecraft and various RPGs, but she also does some fun real life gaming stuff, including board games.JapaneseIf youre learning Japanese, using video games (and videos about them) to learn will be a breeze. Not only do Japanese natives love games, they love sharing them and talking about them. Not to mention, Japan has tons of unique, otherwise unheard of games that only exist within the country, so youre always in for new surprises.Pazudoraya  â€"  Here youll find features on  mobile and tablet games, puzzle games and generally games youve never heard of. However, this guy talks a lot  so his channel will  give you  excellent listening practice and great inspiration for future mobile app downloads.Tomo0723sw  â€" Do you find loud, maniacal laughter to be contagious? Then this channel will have you in stitches! The host mostly covers mobile and app games, old retro games, flash games and online multiplayer modes. Youll also get to see him play through Alan Wa ke, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto 5, Lego Star Wars and Japanese games with strong elements of actual Japanese culture and society. Id recommend you try watching videos about games like  Boku no Natsuyasumi (My Summer Adventure), which will give you magical summer vacation nostalgia even if you didnt grow up in Japan.So, thats it!It sure was a long list, but the hope is that now every language learning gamer has been able to identify a video game that works in their target language.Nows the time to get out there, connect with fellow gamers and dive into your own virtual language learning experience.Good luck, and game on!

High School Seniors How to Be Successful This Fall

High School Seniors How to Be Successful This Fall High School Seniors: Balancing Classes, AP, SAT/ACT, College Apps, and More This Fall High School Seniors: Balancing Classes, AP, SAT/ACT, College Apps, and More This Fall High school seniors looking to go to a four-year college next year are all in a similar, stressful situation.   Your schedule is full, your new classes are very hard, you’re supposed to be taking critical standardized tests, and you have college applications to start and finish.   All of this while you are having the added pressure of deciding where you want to spend the next four years and what you want to do with your life.   Not to mention the anticipation of parting ways with many of your closest friends shortly our private Costa Mesa tutors are here to help with your senior year. Overall, it really isn’t an easy time for anyone.   Unfortunately, reading this won’t be able to take all of that stress away.   What it will do, however, is give you some guidance to help alleviate your difficulties and help lead you toward success in all of these endeavors.   After helping many students in similar situations, here is some of my advice about how to balance everything in this busy and difficult time: SAT and ACT Hopefully, you’ve already taken your standardized test of choice at least once.   Hopefully, you also prepared for that test by studying and taking practice tests.   If you have, this is good news: with your upcoming test you are only trying to improve your previous scores, and you have a good grasp on the test already.   You are likely a little rusty on the material if you haven’t been studying over the summer, so you need to refresh yourself. For many students, there is simply no time to take a full-length practice test because of their other obligations.   Instead, take each section one at a time with a timer.   Take a timed reading section one day, and a timed math section the next.   Write a timed essay if you are taking the essay.   By doing this, you only need to find about an hour of spare time to study, while still getting used to the questions again and getting comfortable with the time limits and pacing. If this is your first test and you have not studied at all, you are in a more difficult situation.   You simply must take a timed, full-length practice test before your real test if you want to perform close to your potential.   You will do poorly (compared to what you are capable of) if your first time taking the full SAT or ACT is on test day.   Wake up early on a weekend if you have to and take a full practice test.  Score it and review your answers or have someone experienced to do it for you.   Students almost always improve by huge margins after taking the test for the first time; make sure that the first time is just practice. SAT Subject Tests Many students will also be taking the subject tests this time of year to apply to the few universities that require them.   Because usually, only the more selective schools will be asking for the SAT subject tests, this means that you will want to do well on them. Unfortunately, these tests are not well-known and are often an afterthought for students who find themselves forced to take them in the fall of their senior year without much or any preparation.   These are still standardized tests, and you still need to be familiar with them if you want to do well.   Like the other standardized tests, you should be taking practice tests.   Luckily, the subject tests are not very long.   Get ahold of some practice tests (official ones if possible) and take them when you have free time. These tests do require detailed knowledge of the subject you are taking them for, so you will likely have to review your old class material and study.   Take the practice tests early, so you know which tests you are best at and what material you’ve forgotten and need to practice our private Costa Mesa test prep tutors will help you score high. AP Tests Senior year is also the year when students have the most advanced placement (AP) classes on their schedule.   These classes have a lot of added difficulty, as well as the anticipation of trying to pass the AP test at the end of the year.   Luckily, that test is a long way away, and you have plenty of time to study and prepare for it.   If you also need to prepare for other standardized tests, make college applications and feel overwhelmed, then I recommend putting some of your AP prep on the backburner. This does not mean you should slack off in these classes.   You could easily fall behind and see your grades slip (which you will have to report to the colleges you applied to, even though your applications are submitted before you know your final grades).   Focus in class and make sure you understand everything to the best of your ability.   You just might need to save the extra studying and AP prep for later. Don’t start taking AP practice tests and having AP review sessions if it means sacrificing your SAT/ACT prep or your college applications.   These are more important right now, and you need to put the time and effort into them before dedicating extra attention to AP material (READ: Costa Mesa Tutoring Tips: 5 Time-Saving Study Tips). New Classes The above points are referencing studying that you do to pass the AP exams ultimately â€" a goal that you should have if you are taking an AP class.   You should save AP test specific studying for later in the year if you are too busy now, but you can’t neglect your grades and new classes.   Here are three simple tips to help you stay on top of new classes during a busy time. Stay organized.   Don’t start cramming all of your papers into one folder because you think you don’t have the time to organize them.   Don’t write your notes on loose scratch paper or keep every class’s notes in the same notebook. Don’t miss homework or test dates because you didn’t bother to write them down.   Make yourself do at least the bare minimum for organization.   You’ve been in school long enough to know what to do and what not to do.   You don’t need to go over the top and doing anything extra special this year to be organized, but you do need to keep yourself on top of things while your schedule is busy. Do everything early.   It is easier said than done to avoid procrastination, but it is indisputable that finishing work early will save you from a lot of unnecessary extra stress.   When you get an assignment, do the assignment.   When you learn about a test, study for the test.   When you’re assigned a big project, start it right away.   This tactic will save you this fall. Find someone to hold you accountable.   This tip goes with the two above.   You need something to hold you accountable for doing things like staying organized, doing work early, and studying.   It could be a parent, or a tutor, or a friend.   Someone who knows what you need to do and can check in on you to make sure you’re doing it.   Find a classmate who will always do the homework early with you so you can make each other do it.   Tell your mom your study plan and write it down so she can follow up with you and make sure you’re staying according to schedule.   Get an experienced tutor who can guide you in your application process or standardized testing and make sure you’re doing what you need to do.   It is easy to slack and procrastinate when there’s no one to call you out on it.   These are all examples of ways to avoid that. College Applications You need to do this early and give them the attention they deserve.   Deadlines for regular decision vary, but the most common is usually January 1st.   However, they can be as early as November and as late as next spring. However, knowing the deadlines shouldn’t be too important if you aren’t procrastinating.   Aim to finish your regular decision applications in October, so you have plenty of time to review, improve, and add new schools.   If you haven’t already, then contact the people you will be asking for letters of recommendation.   Do it as soon as possible and tell them exactly what you would ideally like them to write about you.   The more detail you give your recommender, the more likely they are to give you a letter that isn’t generic and has the details you want colleges to read. Make your list of schools, familiarize yourself with application requirements and formats, and start writing your essays, personal statements, and resumes.   You should ideally tailor each of these documents to each school, but you should still have your base templates to go off of.   Give yourself several weeks to polish, individualize, and have others read and review. A good tactic is to make yourself do something application related every day.   Tell yourself that you just need to work on an application for only five minutes.   Often, these five minutes will turn into much more, but even if it doesn’t, five minutes is still progress.   Progress every day will add up.   You will feel better, avoid procrastination, gain experience, and build a healthy habit.   Make sure you stay accountable and do at least a little bit of work each day.   Before you know it, you will be finished, have quality applications, and have plenty of time before the deadlines. Make sure you have a successful senior year with the help of a private Costa Mesa tutor. Please call TutorNerds today! Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, except for guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Chemistry of Fats and Proteins Worksheet Answers - What Does The Worksheet Do?

Chemistry of Fats and Proteins Worksheet Answers - What Does The Worksheet Do?My child is in grades 2 and we've been trying to find the chemistry of fats and proteins worksheet answers to get her to do something like that. I'm trying to be a cheerleader when it comes to the education of my child and I want her to know more than we do. She is only four years old and this is her second year of pre-k. She is working well with the required learning resources for her age.The science side of my child's pre-k chemistry program requires them to take the worksheet and find out how she would solve the problem with the following explanations. It does help her see more and we are working on ways to boost her critical thinking skills.One of the worksheets she has to take is the problem solving worksheet. This worksheet gives the student a blank sheet and her goal is to put the correct answer on the sheet and help you figure out a solution to the problem. If your child is struggling on the workshe et, it can be useful to have a review time to go over it.The other important thing to remember about this worksheet is that it is not an instructional worksheet. This worksheet gives you an answer and a solution to the problem but it does not teach you how to do that. You will need to use your own creative thinking skills to think of something new to solve the problem. Let your child know that you will not be able to solve the problem all by yourself.The other worksheet, also called the answer sheet, is the subject workbook for your child's curriculum. This worksheet is very similar to the math worksheet and gives an answer and the solution to the problem. It also includes another sheet that tells you how to interpret the answer and give a reason for the answer.Some of the workbook may include different sections such as writing and reading skills, physical activities, arts and crafts, and community activities. This worksheet answers the actual question and gives a solution and instr uctions on how to explain that to the child. This worksheet is so important because it gives your child some ideas that you can use for the class that are related to the learning activity.We recently used a number of these worksheets for science labs in our home. It was a lot of fun for my child and her classmates to see her be able to find the answer and then figure out how to put it all together. I believe this will make a great addition to the science curriculum for my daughter and I encourage you to find out more about the chemistry of fats and proteins worksheet answers you can find for your child.

Algebra Tutor Catonsville - The Newest In Education

Algebra Tutor Catonsville - The Newest In EducationThe newest education craze in the U.S. is the use of a teacher who is an Algebra Tutor catonsville. There are other brands that are like these, such as Learning to Read in School and Maths, but the Model Schools of Catonsville are the newest addition to the many math tutoring companies. The educational idea behind these services is to get more students to know math and also to teach the subject. These services are also related to other areas of study, so the student can find satisfaction with their subject regardless of what they studied in school.Maths has become a major subject in high schools and colleges around the country. Teachers need math tutors to help their students with mathematical issues. Students, especially those in the senior year, need math help at all levels. It is important for students to learn at the same level as their teachers, because it gives them the confidence to approach other students and ask questions. T he tutoring services are designed to help the students and teachers learn how to solve problems.What the tutors provide to their pupils' needs is not just to help with the different types of problems, but also suggestions and strategies for solving them. The students are also provided with computer skills such as how to perform operations on spreadsheets. All of these resources are in the form of videos and lectures, but are also accompanied by tips from teachers to make teaching much easier.Most math teachers are overworked in the school system and are finding themselves overwhelmed. They are having difficulty teaching math problems because the students are so good at it. The problem is that there are just so many of them. With the help of a tutor, it is easy to learn the ways of teaching and to help the students grasp the concepts. The tutor catonsville programs help the students to understand, analyze and relate math to the other subjects of the course.One of the most popular pro grams that has caught the attention of many schools and the community is Algebra Tutor Catonsville. This program provides the lessons that are most often taught in the classroom. The students are given the tools that they need to learn and then taught to solve math problems.Many students have good math, but some have a bad mindset and are trying to force their way through math. To help these students understand math better, Algebra Tutor Catonsville shows them how to get through problems without pushing their own limits. When students have a negative attitude about math, they tend to avoid it altogether, and that is the reason why there are so many students out there that are not progressing in their math classes. If the students' bad attitude toward math does not change, then they will be stuck doing the same thing. Algebra Tutor Catonsville has a solution for all the students.If you need help with math, then enroll in one of the courses offered by the Algebra Tutor Catonsville pro gram. The interactive videos and lectures are perfect for helping you understand your math, and how it relates to your other subjects. You will be able to enjoy the class and the tutoring sessions together with the students. The tutoring will be greatly beneficial to your math studies.